In Baptist Press

Baptist Press did a great story on us this week.

LAKESHORE, Miss. (BP)–When Hurricane Katrina struck last August, Lakeshore Baptist Church in Mississippi relocated, but not because members voted.

Katrina’s winds and waves smashed the wood-frame structure. What wasn’t blown away floated away from the site about a mile from Mississippi’s Gulf Coast. Members recovered the pulpit, a few lumber scraps and the steeple.

Working on his doctoral degree at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, Lakeshore’s pastor, Don Elbourne, relinquished his studies to coordinate disaster relief efforts in the predominantly Catholic neighborhood. The Southern Baptist Convention, the North American Mission Board, the Mississippi Baptist Convention, the Gulf Coast Baptist Association and countless Southern Baptist volunteers from 38 states have rallied with Elbourne and Lakeshore’s members to turn the devastated area in Katrina’s path into a crossroads of crisis and Christ-likeness.

Read the full article with pictures:
Miss. church’s members stay after Katrina to rebuild town

As Norm Miller highlighted, the relief, recovery, and rebuilding efforts still continue. The job is far from over. We see a long road ahead and we appreciate Baptist Press keeping the ongoing need in the public eye.

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