Web site woes

We are having some technical difficulties with our web site that are beyond my control. If you try to leave a comment to a blog post, you will receive an error. I apologize for the inconvenience. Our service provider is working to resolve the problem.

1 Comment

[…] Posted by Pastor Don A. Elbourne Jr. Last week I mentioned our web site woes where you were unable to leave a comment to a blog post. Our friend, Stephen Ake, helped track down the problem. I’ve always used our church lakeshorebaptist.net email address for communications, but apparently when we launched the Rebuild Lakeshore web site, email addresses for this domain were also created. These emails have been piling up on the server and filling our allotted space. Long story short, the limitation caused problems for our blog database. I’ve now retrieved the 11,909 unread emails. Yikes. Most of them are spam, but I’ve already spotted a good number of legitimate emails in there. I feel so bad, because some of them come from folks wanting to make mission trips to Lakeshore, send donations, or other pertinent communications. I hope people didn’t think I was ignoring them – I never received the emails until now. Many of them date back to 2005. I will go through the massive inbox, cull out the spam, and respond to the messages. It may take me some time. I appreciate your patience. […]

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