June 2009

Mission Trip June 2009

I do not have enough time in the day to even begin listing everything that God accomplished through hard working volunteer teams this past month. All of the homes we have been working on made progress toward completion. We started another new home this month and so many other things. We made some huge strides on the church property. A beautiful board walk stretching from one side of the property to the other replaced the precarious make-shift pallet walk way we have been using. A privacy fence now adorns the east side of the bunk house property and the pilings have been set for the mercy house. Volunteers from across the country pushed through the blazing Mississippi summer heat with rejoicing. We still have a long summer ahead of us so keep us in your prayers as we continue to Rebuild Lakeshore to the glory of God.

The following teams worked with us in June and deserve a heartfelt thank-you:

  1. Central Baptist Church – Decatur,Al
  2. Chapel Pointe Church – Hudsonville, MI
  3. Crossroads Community Church – Naperville, IL
  4. East Harselle Baptist Church – Hartselle, AL
  5. Emmanuel Baptist Church – Forrest City, AR
  6. Eskridge Baptist Church – Winona, MS
  7. First Baptist Church – Winona, MS
  8. Friendship Baptist Church, Grenada, MS
  9. Georgia Baptist Collegiate Ministry
  10. Hebron Baptist Church – Scranton, SC
  11. Kilmichael Baptist Church, Kilmichael, MS
  12. Lakeside Community Church of the Nazarene – Edensburg, PA
  13. Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church, Carrollton, MS
  14. North Carrollton Baptist Church, North Carrollton, MS
  15. North Winona Baptist Church, Winona, MS
  16. Pollok Baptist Church – Pollok, TX
  17. The Oaks Baptist Church – Lyons, GA
  18. Union Baptist Church – Pamplico, SC
  19. University Place Presbyterian Church – Tacoma, WA
  20. Vaiden Baptist Church, Vaiden, MS
  21. Vriesland Reformed Church – Vriesland, MI
  22. West View Baptist Church – Cookeville, TN

Mission Trip June 2009

Mission Trip June 2009

Mission Trip June 2009

Mission Trip June 2009

Mission Trip June 20098

Mission Trip June 2009

Mission Trip June 2009

Mission Trip June 2009

Mission Trip June 2009

Mission Trip June 2009


What a week! First off, thank you to Jamie and Josh for the work they did to make our time fruitful and blessed.

Secondly, what in the world was up with the heat wave of 2009? Alas we have been so blessed, The students are so excited and blessed by the work they did to help rebuild lakeshore! Working on “The walkway”, clearing sites, setting pilings, landscaping for Miss Ruth and the various outreach efforts we had in the lakeshore area have made a permanent impact on the lives of our students! Thank you for allowing us to come down and work with Ya’ll, We are so blessed to have been a part of your efforts and we cant wait to come back!

God bless you all!
Eric & Vertigo Youth Ministries!

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