A quick note

We often get folks visiting Lakeshore to see how their church can help the ongoing efforts. Last week we had a couple of pastors come by. I just hammered out a quick email to them and thought it might be helpful to copy here.

Hi Rick,

It was great to meet you the other day. Thank you so much for your interest in the ongoing ministry here. We look forward to partnering with the churches of your area as we minister help and hope in the name of Jesus Christ on the gulf coast. The need remains great and there is no way we could continue without generous folks like you spreading the word and rallying support.

As we discussed, our biggest need at this point is financial. As we continue hosting volunteer groups who work out in the community we desire to help local residence get self sufficient. A big step in that direction is to get a roof over their head. Volunteer construction teams from across the country continue to flood into our area. Any help with our budget needs to run the camp site will be greatly appreciated and will leverage our ability to provide assistance in the long-term recovery efforts.

In the meantime we also want to minister to their daily needs of food, clothing etc. So, I’m excited to hear about ya’lls planned food drives that will stock the empty shelves of our Mercy House with groceries for hungry families. We can take any kind of non-perishable food items such as canned goods etc. We can also take clothing, especially men’s and children’s items and furnature.

Above all we covet your prayers. As you know, recovery of an entire community takes time, patience, hard work, and effort. We pray for God’s sustaining grace as we work together for his glory on the gulf coast. Thank you so much.

by grace alone,

Pastor Don A. Elbourne Jr.
Lakeshore Baptist Church

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