Christmas decorations, toys, and winter clothes fill the Mercy House this week as we celebrate the holiday season in Lakeshore. Every Wednesday, from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm we open to the public, to assist families in need, with clothes, food, household items, and whatever else gets donated to the ministry. This past week we included “Christmas stuff” and folks were lined up out to the street to get in.
One lady went out of her way to thank me. She said her son was so happy. Not because the gifts were for him, they wern’t. The toys were for a friend who’s family was going through a hard time. The mom said that he was so afraid his friend would not have anything under his tree. Now he will. “You just made his Christmas,” she said.
Paula and Georgia, from Maryland, have been hard at work sorting through the warehouse where toys have been collected for this time of year. They have made nearly a dozen trips down the the coast in the last decade and have become part of our family. We can’t thank them enough for their generosity, hard work, encouragement, and desire to serve to the glory of God.
Last weekend, Pastor Randy Davis and his wife came down from Hazlehurst, MS to work with Mrs. Bea. The Davis Family has been long term partners with Rebuild Lakeshore. We praise the Lord for them.
I can’t even begin to list all the locals who help sort clothes, stock shelves, and perform other tasks that make this mercy ministry a wonderful success, week after week. I do need to give a big special thanks to Mrs Ruth and Kim who faithfully assist Mrs. Bea every Wednesday. Without them, we could not do this.
The Lord allows us to show these tangible acts of mercy all year round. The task gets overwhelming at times, but folks like Paula, Georgia, the Davis Family, and countless others who come down, stay in our bunk house, and work along side of Lakeshore Baptist Church, makes it such a joy. Rebuild Lakeshore is a great mission trip for individuals, families, youth groups, Sunday School classes and churches. If you would like to come, we can always use your help. You can make a real difference in peoples lives. Merry Christmas!