
My friend, Cindy Swanson, interviewed me for her radio show a couple of months ago. You can read and hear excerpts here: Katrina: One year later, a Mississippi church continues to rebuild. I want to thank Cindy and others who continue to help keep the relief, recovery, and rebuilding efforts in the conscience of people from across the country. We’ve seen progress over the past 14 months, but the task continues and we face years of ministry opportunity.

btw, Cindy also interviewed Justin Taylor recently as they discussed the question, “Where is God when bad things happen?” They highlighted the book “Suffering and the Sovereignty of God” that grew out of the 2005 Desiring God National Conference. In God’s providence, the conference came weeks after Katrina devastated our community. A year later we used the DVD series to re-enforce many of the issues we have grappled with since the storm as we point to our all-valuable sovereign God who can hold a hurricane in his hand as He turns unthinkable tragedy for His glory.

Let me recommend the material in book form, DVD, or free downloadable mp3.

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