Providence Commitment

Providence Presbyterian Church

Providence Presbyterian Church, of Hilton Head South Carolina sent their youth group to the gulf coast last summer. The teenagers who made the first trip brought home such a contagious enthusiasm for the relief, recovery, and rebuilding efforts in Lakeshore that a group of adults made a second trip, and then a third. They seem to have made a long-term commitment and partnership as they have flooded us with resources, embraced us with encouragement, and promised to return. They look forward to their fourth trip in June. Last week they blessed me with a generous gift and made great progress on Mrs, Bonnie’s house and worked in several other homes.

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We are the ones who are blessed by the opportunity to come alongside brothers and sisters in Christ as we would hope others would come alongside us were we to find ourselves in need. We both know that the blessings received by those who make the pilgrimage to Lakeshore far surpasses whatever resources of time, talent and treasure are expended there. And yes, we are committed, with you, to see things to completion. Our hearts have been knit to your hearts, our people to your people, as together we find ways to express the unity of the Spirit and the bond of peace made possible by Jesus. There is such great joy in serving Him – made manifest in serving others. So, thank you brother, for providing the hospitality and the “way” for us to express our faith. We will see you soon…

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